martedì 18 agosto 2009

Erdheim-Chester Disease

T1 mdc, T2, T1 Meningioma????? strange signal on T2 image!!!
It isn't a Meningioma, it's Erdheim-Chester Disease.
Rare condition thought to be a histiocytosis of the non-Langerhans cell type, with widespread manifestations. It is a systemic lipogranulomatous disorder with infiltration by foamy, lipid-laden histiocytes and giant cells, with or without fibrosis. Musculoskeletal involvement is relatively characteristic.
Dural accumulations, may mimic meningiomas, although the signal characteristics are somewhat different, as the accumulations in ECD are low on T2.
In the intracranial district it can involve also hypothalamus, pituitary infundibulum: presenting with diabetes insipidus, and retro-orbital tissue.

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